Investors Night - Brussels

Investors Night - Brussels

**This event is for BeAngels members and people interested in discovering the Business Angels activity/ joining the network.**

For our next Investors Night, we are pleased to invite you on Thursday, February 22nd at BeCentral (Cantersteen 10-12 1000 Brussels).

Five projects pre-selected by BeAngels will be presented.

The Investors Night will also be available in live streaming for our online participants.

Are you joining for the first time? If you would like to know more about BeAngels and our activities, how to become a member, how BeAngels can help you to invest in startups, etc; we are hosting an information session, before the Investors Night from 17h30 until 18h00.
Interested? Send an email at

Meet the following companies

  • Empower innovation in Life Science through regulatory services
    HealthTech – BtoB - generating revenues - looking for 700k in equity funding

    Imagine a world where the lifecycle of medical breakthroughs, from concept to commercialization, is accelerated, ensuring critical health innovations reach those in need faster than ever before.
    We introduce an innovative digital ecosystem to tackle the unique challenges of the Life Science industry by consolidating all processes into one integrated platform.
  • Breakfast shake high is protein & fiber
    Food - BtoC - generating revenues - looking for 200k in equity funding

    We are a company focused on offering ready-to-make oatmeal-based breakfast shakes. Targeting people whose busy lifestyle leaves them little time to eat a healthy breakfast. We are available in several flavours and are a mix of 100% natural ingredients including oatmeal, fruit and plant-based proteins.
    Since its inception, we have sold over 100,000 servings to more than 3,500 customers. In doing so, the company has realised a total turnover of 197k euro until today.
  • Adapt sunlight spectrum to sustainably improve crop yield and quality
    AgriTech - B2B - generating revenues - looking for 500k in equity funding

    We developed luminescent additives to provide greenhouse films with sunlight wavelength control functionalities that stimulate photosynthesis and modify plant morphogenesis to improve crop yields and quality, plant resistance to disease and pests, save water and agrochemicals. We have a proven agronomic performance (+10%), a validated Go-To-Market strategy, operative in a growing market and generate >50% margins.
  • In vivo retinal implant
    MedTech – B2B – pre clinical phase - looking for 2Mio in equity funding

    We are developing a high acuity artificial retina for blind patients with macular degeneration (10% of the population by the age of 60). Our technology will enable them to regain a high level of visual acuity and a wide field of vision. Currently in the pre-clinical phase, thanks to patented technology from Boston University, we have demonstrated our ability to individually stimulate retinal neurons, raising hopes for achieving absolute visual acuity.
    Smart money request: looking for angels having expertise in industrialization, international outsourcing or medical devices.
  • How food and ingredients impact metabolism
    FoodTech - B2B - prototype ready/ early revenues - looking for 400k in equity funding. Co-invest with LBan and Gilles Cappart

    We are a spin-off of the University of Luxembourg committed to driving innovation in the field of nutrition and health. Our cutting-edge technology platform enables testing the impact of nutrition products on the gut-microbiota and metabolism. The technology is validated and we obtained patent protection for the device.


  1. Welcome drink

  2. Discover BeAngels

  3. Info Session regarding ScaleFund III

  4. Introduction by Claire Munck, CEO of BeAngels

  5. Introduction by Pascal Schwilden, District Sales Manager - Brussels at UCM

  6. Startups pitches

  7. Networking cocktail

  8. End