

Product Studio Design for early-stage startups

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Elevate Your Startup with Dashdot's MVP Development Expertise

Dashdot, founded by Maarten Jansen, is dedicated to engineering success for startups, particularly in their early stages, from angel investment to seed funding. They specialize in tech startups and corporate ventures, providing a comprehensive approach to building and testing your Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Their Approach

Where Are You Now?

Problem-Solution Fit

They will guide you through the critical process of evaluating whether your solution effectively addresses the problem, ensuring it’s meaningful and valuable to your target audience. Key questions include:

1. Solution-Product Fit

They help you assess whether your product is significantly better than existing solutions and if it can effectively bring about the necessary behavior change in users.

2. Core Functionality

3. Value Proposition Canvas

Their workshops include exercises to define and refine your value proposition, ensuring it clearly outlines the benefits of your product for the target persona, addressing their pains and gains. We use practical examples and sharing sessions to enhance understanding and application.

Defining Your MVP

1. Functional Requirements

They emphasize the importance of understanding the core product loop—the essential actions users will take repeatedly. Through practical exercises, we help you draft a scope outline that captures the essence of your MVP.

2. Technical Requirements

Choosing between no-code and custom code solutions is crucial. We provide guidance on:

  • No-Code: Fast development, user-friendly, cost-effective but limited in scalability.
  • Custom Code: Fully customizable, handles complexity, higher initial cost but a long-term investment.

Milestones and Backlog Management

1. Setting Milestones

They assist in setting clear milestones from technical proof-of-concept (PoC) to full MVP versions, ensuring your project stays on track and focused.

2. Backlog Items and Prioritization

Effective backlog management involves breaking down components into self- contained elements and organizing them into themes and epics. They use the MoSCoW method to categorize each epic as a must-have, should-have, or could- have, ensuring efficient prioritization based on cost and value.

Launching and Measuring

Feedback and Iteration

Launching your MVP is just the beginning. We emphasize the importance of continuous user feedback and iterative improvements. Automated feedback collection and user interviews are key components of our strategy to ensure your product evolves to meet user needs effectively.


Dashdot is your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of MVP development.

With their structured approach, expert guidance, and practical exercises, they ensure your startup is well-equipped to build, test, and refine its MVP. Engage with them to leverage our expertise and take your startup to the next level.

Let Dashdot help you turn your innovative ideas into successful, market-ready products.

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