- EdTech
Educational Masterclasses made by Peers.Masterclass videos on your courses - created by students, teachers, assistants and alumni from your University
WebsiteOther backed projets
LILM is a website that allows you to order custom furniture directly from artisans. LILM finds you d...
The Smart Certificate platform gives institutions the tools to securely create, manage and deliver c...
This start-up has developed an easily accessible, personalized, legal advice platform built in a cos...
Home Eos
Home Eos is a company specialized in efficient and ecological acoustic insulation.
Op2Lysis develops the first treatment for hemorrhagic stroke a life-threatening disease that affects...
Japan Koi
Japan-Koï est une société spécialisée en commerce de koïs japonais et produits annexes (nourriture,...
Ethernetics is a digital green company with one major mission: decarbonize the internet and offer a...
Smartbeam is an application that allows you to gather in one place, emails, spreadsheets and other u...
Passbolt est une application permettant la gestion des identifiants et mot de passe.
At Imby we believe that the health of our pets and the sustainability of our planet, should go hand...