- RH
Tyro is a digital recruiting agency dedicated to jobs in start-ups. Creators of Hello Tyro, the first platform for start-ups to recruit interns.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Yago is a scale-up in Insurtech that is revolutionising the experience users have with insurance and...
Medicheck’s objective is to help companies tackle the issue of absenteeism in a constructive way. Ou...
Have you ever missed a professional opportunity because of a bad accent in English? Or had trouble e...
Relieving pain and anxiety in patients through virtual reality, without medication
Resortecs permet un recyclage textile de haute qualité à l'échelle industrielle grâce au désassembla...
Axiles Bionics
Axiles Bionics, a spin-off of the VUB, is a leading research center in human robotics, striving to i...
Mon Cafetier
High quality coffee made easy and ethical. That's Mon cafetier, a Brussels based start-up whose aim...
Evoluno offers a subscription-based digital solution that boost employees’ mental health. By empower...
Imagine Belgium
Discover Belgium through Virtual Reality
Specifix is a health tech company that helps surgeons by empowering them to treat patients the most...