- Marketplaces
TrustUp.be is a platform that helps individuals to find a reliable professional for small and big jobs for free. TrustUp.be gathers professionals of all trades throughout Belgium.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Specifix is a health tech company that helps surgeons by empowering them to treat patients the most...
Mira Visual Creations
Mira Visual Creations is active in the visual design and decorative arts sector. A combination of pi...
CityLegends is a community platform for urban athletes and artists. You can explore the world of urb...
Customers confirmed: 40% cost reduction on heating cost! Their aim to obtain up to 75% cost reducti...
AppTweak is the leading ASO tool driven by data science. AppTweak empowers mobile leaders - such as...
Bhaluu meets current and future housing needs by industrialising construction processes, lowering ac...
Shayp is marketing a box that monitors water consumption in homes and public buildings. The company...
Bonjour Maurice
Bonjour Maurice is a Belgian design brand that offers reversible Montessori inspired clothing, helpi...
European Drone School
European Drone School started in 2016 as the Belgian Drone School, teaching students how to obtain a...
Eating with Gourmart is very simple: our gourmet meals are pasteurized in jars and stay fresh for 2...