- Health : Sport - Biotechnologies
Noho’s mission is to contribute to the quality of life of people suffering from lymphedema.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Kameo Bikes
Kameo Bikes is a startup offering bike sales and leasing for businesses.
WooClap is a tool that allows you to interactively engage your audience or learners during a present...
Foot 24/7
Foot 24/7 has developed an application entirely dedicated to soccer players that allows you to creat...
POM takes the frustration out of managing your payments. That's why POM stands for Peace Of Mind.
The Smart Certificate platform gives institutions the tools to securely create, manage and deliver c...
Grainz is cloud based AI for the hospitality sector, designed to optimise margins & maximise eff...
Eating with Gourmart is very simple: our gourmet meals are pasteurized in jars and stay fresh for 2...
Passbolt est une application permettant la gestion des identifiants et mot de passe.
NIUM operates at the confluence of food, biology and health. It develops digital and miniaturized in...
Visuary facilitates energy-efficient renovations by streamlining the process of obtaining costs, ene...