My Tribu News
- Creatives industries
A family album full of photos and stories is a treat that grandparents will look forward to every month. Grandma and grandpa will always have their most precious treasures close by as they read about all those beautiful, funny and special family moments.
WebsiteOther backed projets
NIUM operates at the confluence of food, biology and health. It develops digital and miniaturized in...
So Match
With 30+ years’ experience recruiting football players around the globe (including some of our Belgi...
WooClap is a tool that allows you to interactively engage your audience or learners during a present...
Smart Fridge
This 24/7 connected fridge allows anyone to eat handmade-quality fresh food whenever they want at an...
Sustainability reporting software for companies and financial institutions (EU Taxonomy, CSRD, SFDR)
At Imby we believe that the health of our pets and the sustainability of our planet, should go hand...
With its movement-based approach, this MusicTech company opens the door to creative expression like...
In the Air
Née dans une chambre d’étudiant, In The Air acquiert rapidement une renommée internationale grâce à...
The Zeiko approach consists of starting with the key messages by presenting them on a maximum of 3 p...
Glaces Franklin
The Franklin ice creams are originating from Binche. They are artisanal ice creams, without added su...