Musimap is a b2b cognitive technologies company that revolutionizes personalized content recommendation thanks to its humanized algorithm.
WebsiteOther backed projets
75% of people under the age of 35 are confronted with mental health fragility. Despite a huge need f...
The Zeiko approach consists of starting with the key messages by presenting them on a maximum of 3 p...
Brussels Beer Project
Founded in 2013 by two enthusiasts, Sebastien and Olivier, this project represents an alternative vi...
TrustUp is a platform that helps individuals to find a reliable professional for small and big jo...
Elysia-raytest group provides Quality Control Solutions to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and nucl...
ChainComply is an enhanced due diligence Anti-Money Laundering tool. They aid traditional banks in s...
BeCentral is a digital campus located in the heart of Brussels
Glaces Franklin
The Franklin ice creams are originating from Binche. They are artisanal ice creams, without added su...
Relieve Furniture
Relieve is an international private marketplace operating in the UK and in Belgium and soon Paris th...
WooClap is a tool that allows you to interactively engage your audience or learners during a present...