Mira Visual Creations
- Creatives industries
Mira Visual Creations is active in the visual design and decorative arts sector. A combination of pictorial and photographic art, MIRA creations aim to establish themselves as a renowned brand for contemporary interior design.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Ethernetics is a digital green company with one major mission: decarbonize the internet and offer a...
Axiles Bionics
Axiles Bionics, a spin-off of the VUB, is a leading research center in human robotics, striving to i...
Passbolt est une application permettant la gestion des identifiants et mot de passe.
HelloHouston offers an all-in-one maintenance command center that helps facility managers and techni...
Founded in 2010, Hyprevention is a French company that develops, manufactures and sells implantable...
Rubyx provides flexible credit to entrepreneurs in developing economies, enabling them to grow their...
Ionnyk offers sustainable e-paper solutions for your meeting room management, internal communication...
Mon Cafetier
High quality coffee made easy and ethical. That's Mon cafetier, a Brussels based start-up whose aim...
Savics's vision is to make Universal Health Coverage a reality by 2040. Since 2016,t hey help Minist...
Spirecut is FDA listed and offers patented surgical instruments for two hand affections requiring su...