- Web3/ Blockchain
Iliium is a blockchain and crypto-currency company focused on creating an easy-to-use and user-friendly solution to become one of the key players in the mining pool market.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Ethernetics is a digital green company with one major mission: decarbonize the internet and offer a...
Kameo Bikes
Kameo Bikes is a startup offering bike sales and leasing for businesses.
Eat organic, local and seasonal from the farm to your home in 1 click on efarmz.be
Fix'it revolutionizes and facilitates your daily life for a functional and sustainable home by exten...
Visuary facilitates energy-efficient renovations by streamlining the process of obtaining costs, ene...
Time-consuming and manual, financial risk management can generate costly errors. Deft Hedge offers a...
Noho’s mission is to contribute to the quality of life of people suffering from lymphedema.
Japan Koi
Japan-Koï est une société spécialisée en commerce de koïs japonais et produits annexes (nourriture,...
VitriCell is a company aiming at providing solutions for safe and efficient cryopreservation of most...
This start-up has developed an easily accessible, personalized, legal advice platform built in a cos...