- Food/ Foodtech/ Agritech
Eating with Gourmart is very simple: our gourmet meals are pasteurized in jars and stay fresh for 2 months in the refrigerator.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Mon Cafetier
High quality coffee made easy and ethical. That's Mon cafetier, a Brussels based start-up whose aim...
Tyro is a digital recruiting agency dedicated to jobs in start-ups. Creators of Hello Tyro, the firs...
Twistiti developed a unique concept that replaces numbers on the watch, which are usually difficult...
Iliium is a blockchain and crypto-currency company focused on creating an easy-to-use and user-frien...
Evoluno offers a subscription-based digital solution that boost employees’ mental health. By empower...
CityLegends is a community platform for urban athletes and artists. You can explore the world of urb...
75% of people under the age of 35 are confronted with mental health fragility. Despite a huge need f...
Yoda is an innovative urban mobility company that provides modern & light e-mopeds on a monthly...
Startup Vie
Startup Vie is a new media dedicated to the world of Belgian startups
PraxySanté is a French generative AI company, founded by researchers (INRIA, CNRS), doctors and AI e...