- ICT/Digital : App - Développement web - Informatique - Marketing digital
The Smart Certificate platform gives institutions the tools to securely create, manage and deliver credentials and related documents (e.g. transcripts, badges, letters of attestation, etc.).
WebsiteOther backed projets
ChainComply is an enhanced due diligence Anti-Money Laundering tool. They aid traditional banks in s...
Open Stent Solution
A potential $4 billion market, an unmet clinical need in the field of heart valve disease, 1.8 milli...
Elysia-raytest group provides Quality Control Solutions to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and nucl...
Wildhartt aims to connect local guides with travelers seeking authentic and environmentally friendl...
Cloudalize MyGDaaS est une plateforme de bureau en tant que service GPU à pile complète. Elle offre...
ALX Systems
ALX Systems is a Liege-based company that offers embedded artificial intelligence programs on drones...
WARQ’s ambition is to revolutionise airsoft integrating augmented reality. WARQ is currently develop...
Antigon SA is an innovative medtech company, spinoff of Free University Brussels (ULB), which aims t...
Imagine Belgium
Discover Belgium through Virtual Reality
Brussels Beer Project
Founded in 2013 by two enthusiasts, Sebastien and Olivier, this project represents an alternative vi...