- Logistic
Connect2Move est une startup technologique belge qui aide les entreprises à agir en faveur de la mobilité douce, active et verte.
WebsiteOther backed projets
Running Care
Running Care is the first health application dedicated to runners, designed 100% by sports doctors.
Recovr optimizes every step of the follow-up and collection of your invoices, from the first reminde...
Utopix is the first Belgian platform specialized in providing companies and agencies with profession...
Apocalyse Hunter
Apocalypse Hunters is a new concept of cards trading mobile game with Forecast and location based fe...
A travel-tech startup, itinari is the emerging reference platform for travelers looking for the best...
Spirecut is FDA listed and offers patented surgical instruments for two hand affections requiring su...
The Zeiko approach consists of starting with the key messages by presenting them on a maximum of 3 p...
Home Eos
Home Eos is a company specialized in efficient and ecological acoustic insulation.
AppTweak is the leading ASO tool driven by data science. AppTweak empowers mobile leaders - such as...
Visuary facilitates energy-efficient renovations by streamlining the process of obtaining costs, ene...