Take action: become an investor

Empower yourself to make a difference

BeAngels allows, through several investment formulas, to support future Belgian and European gems at different stages of development and investors with varied profiles in terms of availability of time and assets to invest in the real economy.

Become a business angel

Our solutions

We offer several solutions for all types of investors whether wanting to start their Business Angel adventure, diversifying it, learning and investing with others. Collaboration fuels success.

  • Direct Investor

    Invest directly & get access to exclusive deal flow.

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  • Business Angel Club

    Become a Business Angel through learning and doing. Join a group of investors made up of 15-20 people and enter the world of Business Angeling in a collegial way.

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  • NXT

    Join an investment club bringing together dynamic young entrepreneurs and seasoned industry leaders.

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  • ScaleFund

    Focus on scale-ups, enabling startups to reach their full potential.

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  • Tracker Fund

    Ideal co-investment formula to build an investment portfolio, in a passive way.

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  • Elev8te

    Join a group of investors supporting student-entrepreneur startups.

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  • Investor Club as a Service

    Design your own investment club with your friends, colleagues, family, etc.

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Invest through our partners

Access European deals through our partnerships with Verve Ventures & Asterion Ventures.

  • Verve Ventures

    Access pan-European deals with Verve Ventures.

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  • Asterion Ventures

    Invest in French impact deals with Astérion Ventures.

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What they say about us

  • The combination of investment education offered by BA Academy and group investing is one of the safest and most progressive ways to become an angel investor.

    Corinne Saunder
    Corinne Saunder BeAngels Member
  • I discovered a different approach at BeAngels, through my meetings with entrepreneurs and investors, and it was these aspects that appealed to me.

    Eric Randoux
    Eric Randoux BeAngels Member
  • If you are passionate about something, if you want to create something or manage a business, becoming a business angel is an excellent gateway.

    Astrid Waucquez
    Astrid Waucquez BeAngels Member
  • It’s contributing as a small cog to the big machine and bringing value to the economy of the future through startups.

    Anne Cambier
    Anne Cambier BeAngels Member

Tap into a community of investors to amplify your investment impact

Why join us?

Join BeAngels to benefit from a dynamic network of business angels, where you can invest in innovative projects and collaborate with passionate entrepreneurs. Take advantage of our expertise and support to develop your investment skills and actively contribute to the economy and innovation.

  • Network

    We provide our members with access to a diverse community of investors. We organize various events for them to share their knowledge and pool their resources.

  • Deal Flow

    We offer a high-quality, diversified, and pre-selected deal flow with the help of our selection committee.

  • Support

    Our team and tools provide legal and administrative services to ease investors journeys.

  • Capacity Building

    Through our training cycle and various workshops, we support and guide our members, helping them to play an active role in the companies they finance.

  • Tax Shelter

    The Tax Shelter for start-ups is a tax reduction for individuals who invest in the capital of young companies. The tax reduction amounts to 30% or 45% of the amount invested subject to certain conditions.

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  • Members' perks

    Benefit from several advantages with our partners:
