Investment for and in EdTech companies
BeAngels is back in Flanders and invites you on October 27th in partnership with Edtechstation & The Harbour to an evening on the theme of financing Edtech companies.
Join us at Edtechstation in Kortrijk and discover innovative and high growth EdTech companies.
This event will be in English.
Intro & welcome by Thomas Van Cauwenberghe, Station Chief at edtechstation
the EdTech world (market and research) by Prof. Piet Desmet Vice-Rector KU Leuven & KU Leuven KULAK Kortrijk Campus / Academic Director KU Leuven Campus Bruges
The financing trajectory in practice: interview with Kevin Tillier, CEO of myskillcamp, moderated by Marijke Van de Sompele, CEO of The Harbour
Pitch of three high quality EdTech companies under guidance of BeAngels in search of funding + Q&A, moderated by Clotilde Annez, Deal Flow & Corporate Manager at BeAngels